My 1922 duplex needs blown insolation, caulking, new windows/doors. The bsmt. is unhealthy - needs insulation & ventilation.
My 1922 duplex (35% energy efficient) needs blown insolation, caulking, new windows/doors. Bsmt. unhealthy - needs insulation & ventilation. Pls. advise who I should go to for good work/fair price. An eco energy analysis finds my duplex to be 35% efficient, There are 22 windows, 5 doors to replace. I have the energy rating system which is helpful, but I find many windows have such wide frames- too much light is blocked. Please refer me to a company you respect which is not too expensive. Please refer me to a company that does blown isolation - if that is what you recommend ?? Do they also usually do caulking>? I need to understand how to treat my musty basement (one little room under the cement front porch has a mould problem). The bsmt. has 2 long narrow portions, one of which has windows and a little studio apt, which is not fit to live in. Solarcan has a ventilation system which they are promoting - circulR - a new ventilation unit they say people rave about. I am interested in making this basement as healthy as possible. Please advise. I need to be very careful in my spending. Thank you, Wendy
Les problèmes que vous décrivez sont multiples; nous vous recommandons par conséquent de consulter les ressources suivantes afin de vous informer sur les différentes options qui s'offrent à vous en rénovation.
Pour améliorer l'efficacité énergétique globale de la maison, les normes de Novoclimat représentent une bonne base sur laquelle vous pouvez vous fier:
Également, nous vous invitons à profiter du programme Rénoclimat. Suivant une évaluation de votre résidence, on vous proposera un plan d'action pour améliorer la performance de cette dernière, ainsi que la possibilité d'une aide financière.
Pour l'amélioration de vos portes et fenêtres, songez à installer des fenêtres performantes certifiées Energy Star, en prêtant attention aux zones climatiques; chaque zone climatique au Canada correspond à différents critères pour l'homologation Energy Star.
L'isolant cellulosique giglé est un isolant efficace, abordable et fait de matières recyclées dont nous recommandons l'utilisation. Le calfeutrage sera effectué par le même entrepreneur que l'isolation. Pour obtenir une liste d'entrepreneurs, consultez l'annuaire Écohabitation.
Nous ne somme pas familiers avec le système de ventilation auquel vous faites référence, nous ne pouvons donc le recommander.
Finalement, les problèmes de moisissures dans votre sous-sol peuvent avoir de multiples causes. Consultez notre portail web pour en savoir plus.
Bons travaux,
Thank you for your advice - I was particularly interested in the blown insulation information - I am told it is hard to spray urethane products into the walls and so I would be using the cellulose made from re-cycled newspapers.
I know that other chemicals are added to this, but I wonder about having a paper-based product in my walls when I have been told to keep paper out of my basement because of the dampness and mold.
Please comment on the effectiveness of this product and what you think are the health issues.
Thank you!
Cellulose insulation is typically treated with borate, a non-toxic substance which inhibits the growth of mould as well as contributing to the product's excellent fire safety rating. The only health concern relates to the installation process, which releases some airborne particles that can get into airways if adequate protection isn't worn. Regarding resistance to humidity : If you're insulating walls in a room or area where high humidity is an issue, such as the basement's foudation walls, you should consider using materials that are very resistant to decay, such as rockwool insulation and galvanized steel studs. Otherwise, cellulose insulation is a competitive and very ecological option.
Thank you for that useful information.
I am looking at cellulose for the attic and upper duplex exterior walls.
The basement and lower duplex kitchen will be urethane as I will be taking off wall surfaces.
Please could you tell me what you know about insulating paint.
It sounds as though it may be very effective and simple for me to do myself - and it could become routine for exterior walls, I would think.
Do you know if it is safe, recommended?? I am looking at the interior paint, but I know that exterior paints are also available.
@Wendy Lloyd-Smith Insulating paint is an ineffective product whose claims are entirely fabricated. Please read this precautionary tale before even considering purchasing this product