Les examens pour devenir Associé écologique LEED et PA LEED - Conception et construction de bâtiments seront offerts en français universel partout au monde. Les candidats pourront s’inscrire aux examens à partir du 15 février 2011.

Les examens pour devenir PA LEED seront offerts en français dès février 2011
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A LEED AP is a person who has pasesd the LEED exam and is considered by LEED to be an able person to aid in the LEED process. Just having a LEED AP isnt much good unless you have some knowledge about sustainable design principles and have a good understanding of how a typical architectural project runs.The LEED AP will basically sit in on the design meetings, making suggestions and helping the architect, owner and contractor come to grips with all that is required to get a building LEED certified. Then the LEED AP will generally be responsible for getting the paperwork together and working with the contractors to make sure they know what things they are required to do and document, so that you the LEED AP have the required documentations to get the proper credits. Just by having a LEED AP on the project will earn the building one point towards certification.In general LEED AP's are architects. Was this answer helpful?